===== RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR #r0b0tix ON THEOKS 2017 =====

This page details the required standards of behavior in the IRC channel #r0b0tix, designed to keep the channel a useful and friendly place for users to exchange ideas and chat in a welcoming environment.  This guide also explains how channel staff can be expected to behave. 

Section 1 - THE TOPIC

=+= The topic encompasses everything to do with robotics: electronics, circuit design, computer programming, artificial intelligence, building robots both real and virtual, hardware modification, circuit bending, network design, network topology, software user interface design, network security, server security, network operation, automation, photonics, hardware hacking, etc.  


=a=  The main additional topics include web interface development, video production, photography, server penetration testing, server hardening, firewall optimization, web design, computer software design, documentation writing, computer software education, mathematics, science, accurate history, debunking of pseudoscience, space exploration, rational thought, privacy, systems analysis, computer hacking, advances in materials science and advanced technology, soldering tools and their usage, gadgetry, futurism, science fiction, etc.

=b=  The sub-topics include audio technology and audio production; including music production, audio recording, sound recording technology, musicianship, composition, sound effect recording, audio track mixing, microphones, audio track mastering, portable audio recorders, musical instruments electronic/acoustic, DAW, mixing boards, audio electronic circuit design, and a wide and inclusive range of related topics irrespective of musical styles or tastes.  Sub-topics will include audiovisual production, particularly as it relates to music videos, animations that accompany music, and any technology such as video cameras, electronics, computers, or photography used for such production.  Likewise side sub-topics of language, art, dance, singing, performance, videography, film making, street performance, stage craft, animation, drama, opera, painting, puppetry or other performance arts are generally welcome.  Operators reserve the right to include additional side-topics on an ad-hoc basis.

=c=  Various random topics like current events and the like are generally tolerated on a case by case basis, at the sole discretion of the operators.

=d=  This is the internet and we embrace the internet; specifically the fun aspect of it.  Cute cat pics and funny meme images and youtube poop are hereby declared officially ON TOPIC.  If you don't have a sense of humor please go away.

=e=  This channel was NEVER, EVER, set up to be a haven for right-wing racist politics.  This channel was NEVER, EVER, established to be a forum for the promulgation of right-wing conspiracy theories.  This channel has a history of NOT welcoming right-wing lunatic fringe propaganda.  In the past we have made every effort to accommodate those of right-wing mentality and ideology and have failed due to the demonstrated inability of such people to behave logically or responsibly.  To the extent this channel has an official political and/or public policy leaning, it is certainly left of center, especially compared to today's climate of rising global fascism.  This channel may have participants of all ages and we DO NOT wish to be responsible for allowing the leading of young and impressionable minds into hateful right-wing ideology.  If a participant is unable to understand this, due to brainwashing, inadvertent self-radicalization, incapacity, or mental illness, we feel compassion for that individual but ultimately will have to exercise moderator prerogatives in dealing with the situation.  PLEASE READ and COMPLY WITH SECTION 5 of these guidelines.  If you simply disagree with this stance and the established policies of this channel you are warmly welcomed to disagree, quietly, by yourself, with hushed tones and muted murmurs, with a pillow held over your face, alone in a dark room, and in a new IRC channel which you have created for your extreme right-wing views, hopefully on a different IRC server.  

=f= This channel was NEVER, EVER set up to be a haven for Russian propaganda, and NEVER, EVER set up for the cult of worship of Vladimir Putin.  Please PLEASE READ and COMPLY WITH SECTION 5, subsection 3 of these guidelines.


-1  First and foremost - use common sense.  Behave in a way conducive to communication and friendliness. 

-2  If you are new to the channel you may say hello, there is no need to lurk for days to see if you fit in.

-3  Sense of humor required, the more absurd and bizarre, better.  If you can't handle this and if you can't take a joke, please leave right now and don't ever come back.

-4  Take heed that the IRC channel #r0b0tix and THEOKS are similar communities.  However, policies on either side do not universally apply to the other.

-5  This channel is considered private and clandestine, and invitation-only.  We may discuss details regarding configuration of our servers and hardening of our firewalls against attack, and that information is not meant for public dispersal.  Personal information and all transcripts of the communications here are not meant to be shared, posted, or spammed.  If you violate this we won't want you here anymore.  We respect your privacy and wish the same respect extended to us.  Do not wantonly invite people here who are know-nothings.

-6  Never invite trolls, griefers, terrorists, stalkers, or disruptive people to #r0b0tix, nor to this server.

-7  Don't attempt to exploit client or router vulnerabilities in a way that disrupts our communication with each other.

-8  Try not to post anything legally forbidden in your jurisdiction for which you could go to jail.

-9  Try to be a catalyst to keep channel temperature down.  Please remain calm, if you can.

-10  Personal issues and critiques of other users should be, if possible, worked out between the parties involved and not be brought into other channels or servers.  Do not use #r0b0tix channel as a vehicle for carrying on personal vendettas brought from outside the channel.

-11  Please be helpful and informative to fellow participants; please help further their creative goals with constructive advice and information.  But not everyone has requested nor wishes to receive your advice.  Please respect their right to decline your offer.

-12  Please be warm and welcoming to new participants.  If you don't have anything nice to say to them remain silent.

-13  This is a community not a clique.  New arrivals are to be encouraged, however on an invitation-only basis.

-14  There is no need to mock a participant who is a newb for their lack of knowledge.  If the newb is asking to be spoon-fed you may decline, but we'd rather you either give an answer, give some advice on how to be educated, or remain silent.  It is never your job to give the answer "do a web search" because that only reveals that you also don't know the answer.  Try not to "play smart" on topics of which you have no information.  No one is perfect, and no one knows everything, so there's no need to pretend that you do.  It is not a shameful thing to say "I don't know."

-15  You are a fellow participant and fellow traveler.  What style of software, video, or music you choose to make and how you choose to make it does not entitle you to brow beat others into doing the same as you.  Your favorite programming language is wonderful, but that doesn't entitle you to coerce other programmers to use it.  If what others do is not your cup of tea, please drink your own tea quietly.  If you have a burning desire to replicate yourself, go breed  your own offspring.

-16  This channel is a forum and community for programmers, network operators, artists, musicians, and creative people who sometimes exhibit over-the-top or eccentric mental states.  If Bohemian, avant-garde modes of expression are disturbing to you, please try to find a more comforting chat channel.

-17  Please TRY to bring *something* to the table.  If you are here only to take and never reciprocate, you don't belong here.  Likewise, no scene whores.  You are not given a pass because you are someone's boyfriend or girlfriend.

-18  As you may have guessed, this is a creative community who builds and operates things.  If you are not able to build or create anything then you are expected to offer aid and support with whatever resources you are able to provide, like starting new accounts, recording some noises or video from your environment, sharing online space, and assisting us with uploads.

-19  This channel is not all about YOU.  If you are an absurd person by nature learn to laugh at yourself and remain tolerant as others fall on the floor laughing at your expense.

-20  Banned topics and banned behaviors aside, we strive to allow freedom of speech as much as possible.  If someone says something offensive to you, you may politely disagree.  Consider first taking a deep breath and letting offensive comments and discussions pass rather than perpetuating a heated argument.  Do not feed the troll.

-21  Participants of #r0b0tix have a right to free association as guaranteed in the US Constitution Bill of Rights, which by implication includes the right to not associate with certain people or groups.  Participants have the right to leave the channel, and it is considered bad form to follow, harass, and cause others problems based on their choice to leave.  We consider this right extended to every participant regardless of national origin.
-22  Participants have a right to client-side IGNORE to filter or remove your text from their IRC client.  That is not an offense, it is their right.  It is considered very bad form to childishly change nicknames in order to circumvent the client-side filters employed by others.  What some consider innocuous, others consider offensive.  Deal with such issues privately and do not incite gang or inter-clique disputes.

-23  This channel attempts to comply with EU Privacy Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament; specifically the principles of the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals, notably the right to privacy, and as such you are free to fully participate here while remaining anonymous.  Requests by other participants for Personally Identifiable Information (hereafter known as PII) may be declined.

-24  In accordance with EU Privacy Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament; specifically the principles of the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals, notably the right to privacy, you may casually ask another participant for PII, but they may freely decline your request.  You are NOT allowed to repeatedly ask, nag, harass, brow-beat, bully, shame, shun, threaten, or terrorize fellow participants in an attempt to gain PII.  It is against the rules to use subterfuge, hacks, tricks, or scams in attempt to gain PII, and for this you will be punished.

-25  Try not to mass flood or spam the channel.  Links to your works are encouraged.  Hit and run join/spam/leave is another story.  You may be punished.

-26  Unwanted verbal abuse, oppressive harassment, sexual harassment, PM floods, or skin color-based attacks on fellow participants are strongly discouraged.

-27  Remember that this is THEOKS, not Freenode.  We welcome participants without regard to their network origin, which may be subject to national firewalls and official censorship.  As such, how a person connects here is not important, whether it be by Mibbit or other web client, and without regard to the proxy or transport mechanism.  You are not allowed to harass fellow users based on these criteria.  We strive to evaluate each participant's behavior individually, and not with prejudice based on their connection method; we evaluate not based on the technology of their proxy, but the content of their character.

-28  We request that participants treat each other with high ethical standards.

-29  You as a participant are not required to "kiss the asses" of the operators, but may express yourself freely with differing opinions, within the confines of these rules & guidelines, exclusive of banned topics and behaviors, of course.  Be responsible: No trolling, please.

-30  Complaints, whining, and endless disagreements or debates regarding the official actions taken by operators should be taken to private conversations.

-31  If you can't think of anything else to do: stick to the main topic! 


a. Channel operators (chanops) should use common sense when using their abilities.  The channel operator should strive to be a good host and facilitator more than a policeman.

b. Before you invoke your powers, look around and see if there is another way out of the problem.

c. Don't mess around with your privileges, and try to use them sparingly - we don't want to get a reputation of childish ops.

d. Do not give channel ops to unknown or new channel participants, and particularly not to people not temperamentally suited toward the position.

e. Do not abuse channel ops to further personal vendettas.

f. Do not wantonly change the channel topic.

g. Do not wantonly tamper with channel modes.

h. Consider using admonishments and warnings, in private, before banning, except in the case of blatant trolling and violation of the channel topic.

i. Try to give reasoning and appropriate warnings before applying sanctions, where appropriate.

j. Please strive to have the highest ethical standards in your conduct.  Do no use your privileges for unfair personal gain, to get some unfair advantage over fellow participants, nor to force your personal opinions onto others with whom you may not agree.

k. Do not be overly passive in the face of blatant attacks like flooding, spamming and banned behavior.  Be fair but firm.


§1  Trolling.  Repeated attempts to goad other users with repetitive false statements meant to elicit controversy for controversy's sake.   Specific behavior banned by these rules and guidelines is:

  a) Trolling designed to promote "audio woo woo" - the pseudoscience of fake audio characteristics or parameters.  Included in this ban is trolling based on falsification or misidentification of analog as digital and digital as analog meant to elicit a controversy; which includes trying to start endless debates that condemn digital or analog audio technology broadly.

  b) Trolling on religious topics where you are trying to start a religious debate or argument about your favorite faith or belief system, or in an attempt to proselytize.   Take that to church or mosque, not here.

  c) Trolling against any particular programming language in an attempt to generate controversy or slam all software written in a particular computer programming language.  What matters is if software works, not how it was made.  This should be taken as a warning against fanboyism in general.

  d) Also banned is a type of trolling we characterize as "shit talk" and "shit talking" for example in reference to the purchasing choices or circuit designs of fellow participants.  If you hate Apple or hate Linux or hate OSX or what-have-you, that's your right but DO NOT constantly condemn and incessantly troll users of those systems based on your personal opinions. Not every product is perfect for every person in every circumstance.  Your purchasing decisions are right for you, not necessarily everyone else.  The operators reserve the right to terminate a stream of "shit talk" by muting or removing the offending participant without warning.

§2  Republicanism.   This has been a particular problem across the entire English speaking world wide web, and is now spreading into web sites of all nations and languages.

  1 - We are happy for you that you hate Hillary Clinton and believe that Bernie Sanders is the antichrist, and that Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are "men of God" sent to you by Jesus Christ.  Now please take your Republican party trolling and propaganda elsewhere.  It is off topic here.   You will find a welcoming audience in the comments section under every news article, video, and op-ed on the internet, please avail yourself of this fine and virtually endless place to vent your right-wing ideology.  And please give our kind regards to your employer, Charles Koch and/or Vladimir Putin.

  2 - Donald J. Trump hereafter referred to as Donald Trump: Support for Donald Trump is explicitly banned.  Promotion, aid, comfort, and support for Donald Trump, the Donald Trump campaign, the Donald Trump movement, the Donald Trump administration, the Donald Trump presidency, Donald Trump's followers or campaigners are OFF TOPIC; unwelcome in all forms and banned.  Mild praise or kind words about Donald Trump are OFF TOPIC.  

   a) Oblique or vague praises or promotion of Donald Trump are OFF TOPIC. Reposting of Donald Trump supporting conspiracy theories are OFF TOPIC and banned.  Explanations and excuses made on Donald Trump's behalf or meant to minimize negative aspects of Donald Trump are OFF TOPIC and banned. Sharing links to news stories or conspiracy websites that are supportive of Donald Trump are OFF TOPIC and permanently banned.

   b) Attempting to normalize the views expressed by Donald Trump due to current political status is forbidden.  Attempting to normalize Donald Trump himself due to current political status is forbidden.  Posting of links to content of Youtube Channels which support Donald Trump is banned.  If you wish to say nice things about Donald Trump you won't like this channel; please leave this channel permanently and never come back.  If you're the sort of person who thinks nice thoughts about Donald Trump you will not feel comfortable in this channel and should probably leave now.  You won't be missed.

  3 - Flooding, drive-by linking, repeated promotions, trolling or active recruitment for White Separatist / White Supremacist / White Nativist / Aryan Nations / Ku Klux Klan / Breitbart / Nigel Farage, Ukip / Alternative Right (Alt-Right) / Donald Trump / Alex Jones / David Duke / Birtherism / Sean Hannity / Christian Identity Politics / Steven Bannon / Holocaust Denial / Geert Wilders / Traditionalist Worker’s Party / Drudge / Sovereign Citizen / Marine Le Pen / Family Research Council / Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, FPÖ / Constitutional Sheriff / Neo-Nazi / White Aryan Resistance  - This channel is not set up as a support system to promote and recruit extremist racist movements.  Please seek a more appropriate venue for discussions and promotions of your favorite hate group.

  4 - Promulgation of fake news.  What is and is not considered fake news is determined solely by the operators and owners of the channel.  Participants that demonstrate or have stated that they have an inability to determine if what they are posting is fake news or not are hereby instructed to be safe and not make such posts here; please take suspected fake news posts to a different network or forum.  If you don't like this rule you are encouraged to start your own channel or even move to another IRC network.

  5 - Spreading of strange, ridiculous, or stupid conspiracy theories, particularly those of which purport to be supported only by Youtube channels that are filled with other conspiracy theories, and about which you are unable to articulate explanations except by posting yet more absurd Youtube videos.  Answering direct questions by posting more Youtube videos as a distraction instead of actually typing an answer is considered rude and bad form.  What is and is not considered a strange, ridiculous, or stupid conspiracy theory is determined solely by the operators and owners of the channel.  If you don't like this rule you are encouraged to start your own channel or even move to another IRC network.

  6 - Posting of links to right-wing propaganda, particularly that generated by (but not limited to) the Russian Troll Army, Guccifer, Guccifer 2.0, FSB, GRU, Fancy Bear (also known as APT28, Pawn Storm, Sofacy Group, Sednit and STRONTIUM), Cozy Bear  (also known as advanced persistent threat APT29, Office Monkeys, CozyCar, The Dukes, and CozyDuke).  What is and is not considered right-wing propaganda is determined solely by the operators and owners of the channel.  If you don't like this rule you are encouraged to start your own channel or even move to another IRC network.

  7 - Anti-Semitism particularly in the form of persistent and repeated false rumors and conspiracy theories that Israeli Mossad conducted or is connected with *every* bad event that happened that is currently in the news.  Promotion of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion hoax or any of the subsequent permutations of it are forbidden.  If you don't like this rule you are encouraged to start your own neo-Nazi oriented channel or even move to another IRC network.

  8 - Spreading denial of war atrocities and war crimes, particularly those perpetrated against children in theaters of war or civil unrest.  This includes Holocaust denial as well as denial of current and historic genocides or massacres such as those perpetrated against the Armenians, Kurds, residents of Aleppo, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Greece, Cambodia, U.S. Genocide of indigenous populations under President Andrew Jackson, Korea, the Balkans, European and Russian pogroms, China, Nazi Germany, etc.  This denier talk is extremely annoying and deeply offensive to us and is not socially acceptable behavior.  Take it somewhere else or get out.   If you don't like this rule you are encouraged to start your own channel or even move to another IRC network.

  9 - Posting of climate change denial, particularly fake charts and doctored data generated by Reason Foundation, Charles Koch, Reason Magazine, American Highway Users Association, David Koch, Exxon Mobil, Koch Industries, Americans for Prosperity, Republican National Committee, British Petroleum, Fox News, Scott Pruett, or any related or unrelated disinformation group or person.  What is and is not considered climate change denial is determined solely by the operators and owners of the channel.  If you don't like this rule you are encouraged to start your own channel or even move to another IRC network.

 10 - Debating and constantly attempting to get around these prohibitions on free speech grounds or by posting subtle ambiguous comments in an attempt to trick your way around these rules is considered extremely annoying and offensive behavior and is also now banned.

 11 - Making unsubstantiated claims without any proof whatsoever that all or most or a substantial plurality of events taking place in the world are "staged" or false flag operations or secret spy agency operations is extremely annoying behavior which is characteristic of right-wing propagandists and is banned.  If you don't like this rule you are encouraged to start your own channel or even move to another IRC network.

§3  Russian Propaganda (Putinism)

  1 - Posting of links to Russian propaganda, particularly that generated by (but not limited to) the Russian Troll Army, Guccifer, Guccifer 2.0, FSB, GRU, Fancy Bear (also known as APT28, Pawn Storm, Sofacy Group, Sednit and STRONTIUM), Cozy Bear  (also known as advanced persistent threat APT29, Office Monkeys, CozyCar, The Dukes, and CozyDuke).    Russian propaganda includes the volumes of disinformation on the internet that heap praise upon Vladimir Putin or attempt to minimize Putin's corruption and war crimes.   What is and is not considered Russian propaganda is determined solely by the operators and owners of the channel.  If you don't like this rule you are encouraged to start your own channel or even move to another IRC network.
      a) Do not promote and encourage the cult of personality of Vladimir Putin.  This is not the chat channel for people who are loving Vladimir Putin and swooning over Vladimir Putin.

      b) Do not promote or defend the reputation of Vladimir Putin in reference to the national boundary incursions and war crimes committed by Russian troops and their operatives under the direction of Vladimir Putin.  

  2 - Promoting links to propaganda / disinformation Youtube channels and  websites controlled and/or influenced by Russian spy operatives is forbidden.   Such channels and sites include but are not limited to those listed here as of January 2017: http://www.propornot.com/p/the-list.html   If you have some compelling academic reason to discuss these sites please clear it with the operators first privately.  Current list includes but is not limited to:
   4thmedia.org newswithviews.com nowtheendbegins.com abeldanger.net nsnbc.me activistpost.com off-guardian.org 
   ahtribune.com oftwominds.com allnewspipeline.com oilgeopolitics.net americanlookout.com opednews.com
   orientalreview.org amren.com patriotrising.com amtvmedia.com paulcraigroberts.org ancient-code.com platosguns.com
   anonews.co pravda.ru anonhq.com pravdareport.com antiwar.com prepperwebsite.com presstv.com prisonplanet.com 
   baltimoregazette.com rbth.com barenakedislam.com readynutrition.com beforeitsnews.com redflagnews.com bignuggetnews.com
   regated.com bioprepper.com rense.com blackagendareport.com righton.com blacklistednews.com rinf.com
   christianfightback.com ronpaulinstitute.org collective-evolution.com rt.com rumormillnews.com
   consortiumnews.com ruptly.tv corbettreport.com russia-insider.com cosmicscientist.com educate-yourself.org
   countercurrents.org sentinelblog.com sgtreport.com dailyoccupation.com shiftfrequency.com dailystormer.com
   shtfplan.com darkmoon.me darkpolitricks.com silverdoctors.com sott.net dcclothesline.com southfront.org
   dcleaks.com sputniknews.com defenddemocracy.press stormcloudsgathering.com disclose.tv superstation95.com
   disclosuremedia.net survivopedia.com drudgereport.com the-newspapers.com theantimedia.org thecommonsenseshow.com
   endingthefed.com thedailybell.com thedailysheeple.com endtime.com theduran.com eutimes.net theearthchild.co.za
   eutopia.buzz ewao.com theeventchronicle.com eyeopening.info thefederalistpapers.org filmsforaction.org
   floridasunpost.com thenewsdoctors.com therebel.media fourwinds10.net therussophile.org freedomoutpost.com
   thesaker.is gaia.com thesleuthjournal.com thetruenews.info gatesofvienna.net theunhivedmind.com geopolmonitor.com
   thirdworldtraveler.com globalresearch.ca toprightnews.com godlikeproductions.com trueactivist.com govtslaves.info
   trunews.com greanvillepost.com truth-out.org truthandaction.org hangthebankers.com truthdig.com healthnutnews.com
   truthfeed.com henrymakow.com truthkings.com heresyblog.net ufoholic.com humansarefree.com ihavethetruth.com unz.com
   in5d.com usanewshome.com usapoliticsnow.com infowars.com usasupreme.com intellihub.com usdcrisis.com
   intersectionproject.eu usslibertyveterans.org intrepidreport.com vdare.com veteransnewsnow.com investmentwatchblog.com
   veteranstoday.com jackpineradicals.com vigilantcitizen.com jamesrgrangerjr.com viralliberty.com jewsnews.co.il
   voltairenet.org journal-neo.org wakeupthesheep.com katehon.com wakingtimes.com kingworldnews.com washingtonsblog.com
   lewrockwell.com wearechange.org libertyblitzkrieg.com weshapelife.org whatdoesitmean.com memoryholeblog.com wikileaks.com
   mintpressnews.com wikileaks.org moonofalabama.org wikispooks.com nakedcapitalism.com worldnewspolitics.com naturalblaze.com
   worldpolitics.us naturalnews.com www.fort-russ.com newcoldwar.org yournewswire.com sana.sy newstarget.com zerohedge.com
   thetruthseeker.co.uk counterinformation.wordpress.com guccifer2.wordpress.com americasfreedomfighters.com
   asia-pacificresearch.com assassinationscience.com conservativedailypost.com silentmajoritypatriots.com
   davidstockmanscontracorner.com dennismichaellynch.com educateinspirechange.org strategic-culture.org
   endoftheamericandream.com theeconomiccollapseblog.com fellowshipoftheminds.com thefreethoughtproject.com
   foreignpolicyjournal.com galacticconnection.com undergroundworldnews.com informationclearinghouse.info
   investmentresearchdynamics.com libertywritersnews.com makeamericagreattoday.com whatreallyhappened.com
   themindunleashed.org 4threvolutionarywar.wordpress.com gangstergovernment.com
Violators of the above *will* be banned, without warning and without remorse.  Our long term attempts at tolerance of this annoying and offensive behavior is coming to an end.

Note: These rules should not have been necessary but were put into place after a very protracted period of bad behavior; annoying, deeply offensive and disgusting posts by certain users.  These changes are made with a feeling of deep regret and sorrow that they are even required.

Section 6 - DISCLAIMER

The operators of #r0b0tix attempt to make the channel an inviting and friendly place, but make no warranties or guarantees as to any individual user's experience.  Operators and their assigns cannot assure nor take any responsibility for the actions of any particular user, nor their postings; nor can the operators of #r0b0tix be held liable for illegal, offensive, or defamatory material posted in the channel, under provisions of statutory and case law applying to internet Common Carriers;  Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Copyright Act of 1976, 17 USC 110(a) (1977), OBrien v. Western Union, 113 F2d 529, 540-43 (1st Cir. 1940), and CDA 47 U.S.C. § 230:
    (c) Protection for "Good Samaritan" blocking and screening of offensive material
        (1) Treatment of publisher or speaker
        No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
        (2) Civil liability
        No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of -
            (A) Any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be
        excessively violent,
        harassing, or
        otherwise objectionable,
        whether or not such material is constitutionally protected; or
            (B) Any action taken to enable or make available to information content providers or others the technical means to restrict access to material described in paragraph ([A]).

Copyright © 2017 by #r0b0tix Founders & Operators. Revision 1.3, Established April 2016, revised October 2016, December 2016, January 2017. 
 -end of document-